People who should not use this footbath are people with pace makers or who have organ transplants or expectant or nursing mothers.

We live in a very toxic environment. The pollution in the air, the chemicals in our food, the water we drink and even the clothes we wear. At any given moment you may be exposed to toxins and heavy metals. These toxins accumulate in the body and can be stored in your fat cells, which tend to want to hang on to them. Science has been overwhelmed with the amount of chemicals it is finding in humans. Likewise, physicians are overwhelmed by the amount of environmental toxins that are everywhere and unavoidable. Every day stored toxins in the body are capable of mimicking every symptom and disease known to man.  The biggest problem to overcome in effective coordinated Detoxification Treatment programs is that each person seeking treatment has special individual needs that have to be addressed in formulating an effective detox plan. Ionic Detox footbaths work by sending a small current that goes in a circuit through the body and generates positively charged ions. The high concentration of the ion field attaches to the negatively charged toxins neutralizing them and the body is then able to discard them through the approximate 2000 pores that are on the bottom of your feet. You can then experience the correct acid-alkaline ph balance as nature intended. It’s painless and takes about 30 minutes. Even children ages 4 and up can safely use it. (Supervised of course)Most Americans are in somewhat of an acid state. Our bodies are not in the natural ph balance that it should be. The result is that you are now left open to various diseases. A body that is in its natural alkaline-acid ph balance will be able to fight off the daily onslaught the body receives. This is a very important activity, especially if you are recovering from illness or post surgery! The body has its own electrical field and if is too positively charged you are in an acid state. You can find out your own ph balance by going to your local health food store or drug store and purchase test strips. They are easy to use and show you in seconds if you are acid or alkaline.

During the use of an ionic foot bath the color of the water changes.

The color of the water may be different for each individual due to water you use such as city water, well water, mineral water and the state of your health. When you put the copper array into water by itself you may see color changes in the water such as a brownish color. But it is the oily residue floating on the top that determines if you are getting rid of unwanted toxins in the body. The more you use the machine the less you will have yucky build up in the water.

Drink plenty of good water (not distilled) before and during the session is very important. This ensures better conductivity. After only one use you may experience renewed energy and vitality. It’s painless and it doesn’t take a lot of your time either, just 30 minutes every second or third day for approximately 14 days.

Reasons for having a DETOX FOOTBATH:
Detox footbaths can assist in the following areas:
1) Enhancing the immune system
2) Assist in recovery time from injuries and surgery
3) Can relieve pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis
4) Improves sleep pattern
5) Remove heavy metals
6) Removes blood clot material
7) Improve liver and kidney function